2017年6月22日 星期四



藍蓮花 The Blue Lotus 沒有什麼能夠阻擋 Nothing could ever stop 你對自由的嚮往 Your quest for freedom 天馬行空的生涯 In the age of boundless imagination 你的心了無牽掛 You left no attachment behind 穿過幽暗的歲月 Traversing through the time of darkness 也曾感到彷徨 You were once lost as well 當你低頭地瞬間 Yet the moment you looked down 才發覺腳下的路 You would discover the road under your feet 心中那自由地世界 That world without boundary in your heart 如此的清澈高遠 Is both pure and enlightening 盛開著永不凋零 Always blossoming and never withering 藍蓮花 The blue lotus

圖文不符 圖:武陵繡球花